The #1 question asked about wood fencing is: “How long does it lasts?” There are many factors that determine the outcome of your fence’s existence. Most wood fences get installed and look great at first, but neglect starts to factor in and it is downhill from there. But, when kept up and regularly maintained it is one of the best …
Referral program
Introducing our new referral program! Receive a $20 gift card to an area restaurant when you refer a friend and they become another satisfied customer too! Restaurants include: O’ Charlie’s, Hooters, Applebee’s,Chik-fil-a, and Olive Garden
Pool fencing
If you are installing a pool nowadays you’re going to need a fence. Regulations and insurances almost always require you to have one. Fortunately there are many fences that will meet regulations. Our most asked about fence for pools is the ornamental aluminum fencing. It is maintenance free, looks elegant, and has several styles that pass code. It also comes …
Which fence is best for me?
There are several different factors to take in while choosing a fence best suited for you. Such as, are we going to be containing kids, or animals? Or maybe you are after privacy, security, or aesthetic beauty to compliment your landscape? Which ever the case maybe, there is a fence for you! Chainlink fence (vinyl coated or galvanized) is most …